
Look Upon the Future, Not the Past

It is a normal human function that we often look upon the past, revisit memories, think of people and places you once knew. Sometimes it happens unconsciously like in a dream. Often a place you visit reminds you of who you once were. I had a morning of past memories and I began to realize how different I am from who I was 10 years ago. Sure, 10 years ago I was graduating high school (okay I just aged myself), but I am so completely different than I was then. What I found amazing this morning was the realization that I have found a person to share my life with that I can grow and change with, and we still find love with each other each day. Should I post a warning now that this could be a mushy blog post? It may just be. As I was thinking back today on the person I used to be, just graduating high school, trying to be too cool for school and everyone else in my life, I am surprised at how much I was not... well... not me. Does that make sense? I had no idea at that time who i really was, what I really thought, or what I really wanted in life. It was not until a few years later that I traveled away and got to know myself, over the course of a 10 week internship in Indiana. I have a few friends still left from high school and before, however, most of my very best friends I have found since that internship. When I returned from Indiana I met my now husband about 2 months later and we have been together ever since. I woke up this morning, my husband already gone to work, and I missed him ... a lot. He knows who I am and he loves me, despite all of my defects! As I look back I forget who I was back then, I do not recognize the girl that I once was. But, as I sit here in our living room thinking of the present and the past 7 years of my life, I know exactly who I am at this exact point in time.

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