
Let School Begin

I have been a bit absent from my blog the past week because I started my shiny new job! I have to tell you, I was worried when I started this job. I was not sure if it was going to be the right job for me or if I had made the right move. After this week though... I am SO excited for the students to come to school so that I can get to work! I do not think I have ever felt this way at the start of a job, excited and nervous and scared all at the same time.

Unfortunately, as far as following the diet and exercise goes, I have been bad. Orientation comes with lots of free food, eating out with new co-workers, and snacks up the wazoo! But, we have worked out most days, with just two days off... one because I was tired and yesterday because I had a headache all afternoon. We will return to weight lifting tonight, when I return from my one home health client I still have to see. So, although we occasionally fall off the wagon, we are getting better at getting back on within one day.

I am writing on my blog today my pledge for the next school year to come:

I will work hard and be a committed therapist for all of the students that cross my path. I will do my very best to help each student and will stay after or work extra when it is necessary. But, I will also remember to put the time and effort into my self and my family at home. I will commit to spend quality time with my husband and make time for us, where neither of us is talking about work. I will come home and let work go, leaving work at work, so that I can relax and enjoy my life. I will work to support my life, but I will not live to work.

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