
Job Path, Health Path... Life

The first week of my new job is over and I find myself at home, at peace with the world. It is amazing how at peace with the world I feel. I have been reminded by a wise woman, my mother, that there will still be up and down times. Sure, this is to be expected, I am working for a broken system that is... broke, both monetarily and in concept. However, if you could have seen all of the smiling faces this week, you would not know how broken our public school system is. These people do not smile because they are making the most money, or will be living in the biggest house or driving the fanciest car. No, these people are smiling because every day they make a difference in a child's life through education, through life lessons. What an amazing thing. So, I hope when the tough days come, that I will think about this. That for the first time as an OT I can truly feel that I am making a difference in someone's life, each day through helping them to be more successful or more able to participate in their educational setting. And, I have hope that maybe this country will start to turn the educational system around and that we will all remember that there is no better investment than our children and their education (I learned this important lesson from my parents). I have hope, because this week I saw a not so broken system in my new school district, but instead, people committed to making the lives of children better.

Okay... enough about work...sorry it has been very exciting though.

I do want to address some PCOS this time too... because I tend to not talk about it enough, and that is what this blog is supposed to be about. Although truly, this blog is just about me and life, because usually PCOS affects every day of it. I guess I have not written much lately about it because it has not been first and foremost on my mind. Instead, my job and getting healthy have been on my mind the past week... and babies too. I can't help it. Just spending those 5 days with my best friend and her beautiful little girl... that was it... I was bit by the baby bug... or maybe spit up on by it! (ew... sorry!)

Anyway, my job did affect my PCOS this week, in that there was much free food, luncheons to attend, sweets at every table you sat down at. I fell out of the habit of tracking my calories, indulged in some yummy cinnamon rolls (4 or 5 of them!) and over ate in general. I also had two days without work outs, which was disappointing. And now, I have to admit that since hiring our trainer, and likely because we are not being steadfast in following his advice, I have actually gained 1.5 lbs instead of loosing them! My husband, of course, has lost almost 5 lbs and is looking fabulous... me... not so much. But today I pledged to get back on the wagon. We did not eat exactly healthy (hello Chick-fil-a), but we did get to the gym yesterday and today and took the puppy for a long stroll last night, in addition to strength training!

We are on our way... I am reminded that I named this blog "Path to Health" for a reason. Paths are rarely straight, you often take the wrong path and have to turn around and return to where you started. Most paths have hills, some are all uphill... but aren't those the ones with the best view from the top, the best reward? So, here I am, on my path. The past few weeks I went down the path, sat on a large rock in the shade and ate all of my snacks in one fell swoop. But, yesterday I got off the rock and started walking the path again (Okay, sure, with Chick-fil-a sandwich in hand). I am sure I will find I need to rest again sometime during the journey and that I may even chose the wrong path at times, but I also know that I will continue to get up and continue down this path. Because, this path is my life.

1 comment:

Rainbow Spork said...

That was a profound post. And so very true, in so very many aspects. You go!