
The Path Less Traveled

About 2 months ago I was introduced to Kim, a local acupressurist who I believe has changed my life and put me on a path to better health and a life with energy. The first thing Kim did after meeting me for the first time was to talk with me about my passion... horses. It was probably this that initially made me willing to try this crazy new path and stay on it. It is the results I have seen that have kept me on the path.

I have to start this post by telling you that I still have no idea how it all works, acupressure and acupuncture. But, I can tell you that for the first time in many, many, many years I am finally starting to feel better, have more energy, and smile a lot more often. Whereas before I so often felt too tired for life, I am beginning to have mornings where I actually wake up ready to go and meet the world head on. So, what did Kim do.

First Kim was able to diagnose an excess of "yeast" growth in my system, also known as Candida. After a bit of research I found that candida overgrowth often leads to many of the same symptoms as PCOS (i.e. fatigue, G.I. problems, acne, etc). So, a new diet was taken on, and I was quite worried that I would not be able to stick to it.

Over the years I have attempted weight watchers 3 times. The first time was, I suppose, successful, at least short term. So, when I learned that I had to change my diet I was concerned to say the least. The diet consisted of the following:
No Yeast or products with yeast in them (this meant good-bye beloved bread, goodbye beloved pizza). Next, no Sugar... yes, no sugar at all (with the exception in my case of natural sugars - so luckily I was permitted to keep fruit). Then, nothing fermented (yep - goodbye alcohol, good bye vinegar, no more kombucha, and no more pickled items). And also (oh yes there is more), no fungus (yep no mushrooms). Now, I left Kim's first session thinking... "what the hell am I going to eat!?!?" It is surprising when you start to read labels how many products have at least one of these products in them. Almost everything pre-packaged has sugar or yeast in it. I have become very familiar with the variety of names that our friend yeast is known by. But, this time I promised it would be different, and I took this diet on as a challenge. I found websites on Candida and candida diet, I told all of my friends and family what I was doing and found nothing but support and offers of continued support as I continued to face the challenge. Next came the supplements. Kim suggested a variety of supplements to help me rid my body of candida. So I visited the local health food store and bought a variety of supplements.

After a month of seeing Kim (I see her 2-4 times per month), following her suggested diet, and consistently taking supplements I began to see a few changes. In 4 weeks I lost almost 10 lbs. My energy level started to increase and for the first time in a long time I did not feel bloated any more. I had not realized how long it had been since I did not feel like a blimp, so bloated and puffy, often feeling I could float away at any moment. I began to realize how foggy my brain was and how slowly I had been processing information. And finally, I began to remember how it felt to get up in the morning and feel productive, often getting more done in one morning than I had in a long time.

My next step came just 6 weeks in to my treatment with Kim, an acupuncturist Naturopath nearby.

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