
Migraines: Revenge of the PCOS

Happy Monday... or so I had hoped it would be. Unfortunately I woke up with a migraine and cramps. Oh happy day, or not. After canceling all of my clients,who probably think I was out partying and caused myself a hangover (this is not true, we were in bed by 10pm after watching fire works on TV because it was raining outside, and no drinking occurred yesterday), I downed a few yummy bread rolls and a sweet yellow peach followed by two extra strength Excedrin and returned to bed with heating pad in tow. I promptly pulled the covers over my head and commenced sleeping for two hours. It is now almost noon. My migraine has been downgraded from code red to code yellow, like an airport security warning, from migraine to a simple headache, but the pain of cramps remains strong. You may have guessed by now, if you did not pick up the cues from my sarcastic and angry post a few days ago (That is called blogging with PMS...luckily I don't think it is illegal...if my friends lived closer by they may have stopped me from posting... friends don't let friends blog with PMS!), I am in fact experiencing that lovely time of the month. With PCOS getting your period is an honest love hate relationship, especially when you are, as the doctors say, "at child bearing age." You are relieved because 1) you are regulating hormones (hooray!)otherwise you would not be having a period, and 2) you MAY have a slight chance that you are ovulating which means you really are (possibly) regulating hormones correctly. The flip side of the coin, at least for me, is that (mostly because I am not being healthy right now nor am I exercising and eating healthy) 1)Migraines ensue along with the start of the period and at times in the past have continued up to 12 days, along with said period. And 2) cramps, lovely cramps, which in my case are usually so severe that I end up bed ridden with a heating pad and living on either Excedrin or Midol. So you see now how this is an exciting yet horrific time in a woman's life, especially with PCOS.

So, here I am, spending the day in bed, I thought I would just share my thoughts with you. My wonderful husband is home today, as he was not supposed to work (it's a holiday at his job). I am hopeful he had no other plans for his day off, because now his PMS, PCOS, Migrained Crampy wife is laying in bed trying to not be too mean or pathetic!

Saturday we meet with our new personal trainer. Hopefully we will both find him acceptable and amicable. I will let you know. I just hope a little exercise leads to a lot of weight loss and a lot of hormonal regulation, so that this can become a little less of a love hate relationship.

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